
Shooting The Moon

If you have Facebook and are in need of a laugh, then I suggest changing the language to English(Pirate). Just do it. It's pretty funny, and not to mention awesome.

Unless you've been living under a rock for some time, then I'm sure you know New Moon is coming out soon. In fact, it comes to normal people theatres this Friday. I for one, am actually pretty pumped for it to see it. Even though Twilight was near to disastrous, I feel like New Moon will be somewhat better because they had a bigger budget this year, so they would not have to cut as much. And the trailers just look better. If it does end up sucking, then Ally, Whitt, and I would not have gone in vain, oh no, the experience in itself is enough to make any movie seem better than it really is. (i.e., wearing twilight tees, sneaking maggie moo ice cream into the monaco, getting awesome seats at that place with the gigantic screens, etc.) Anywho, I'm just excitied about it and felt the need to share.

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